Cursed Pierce

Attacks the enemy with 7649 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit is possible. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical is possible.

Skill Details

Trait: NONE

OperateType: ACTIVE

MpCost: 77

CastRange: 80

HitRange: 400

Cooldown: 3

CastTime: 1.08

LimitOfTargets: NONE

AffectScope: SINGLE

TargetType: ENEMY

OperateConditions: CAN BE USED WITH POLE

Power: 3849

CritRate: 30

IgnoreShield: YES

Classes with skill
DescriptionMagic LvlPowerCrit Rate
Cursed Pierce Lvl. 1

Cursed Pierce Lvl. 1

Attacks the enemy with 7649 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit is possible. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical is possible.

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