Special Ability: Critical Stun
Instantly stuns and paralyzes target.
Skill Details
Trait: SHOCK
OperateType: ACTIVE
CastRange: SELF
HitRange: SELF
Duration: 9
Chance: 48.00
Property: CON
LimitOfTargets: NONE
SkillType: DEBUFF
AbnormalLvl: 1
LevelBonusRate: 1
AffectObject: NOT_FRIEND
AffectScope: SINGLE
TargetType: ENEMY_ONLY
Description | Magic Lvl | Abnormal Lvl | Chance |
Special Ability: Critical Stun Lvl. 1 Instantly stuns and paralyzes target. | 64 | 1 | 25 |
Special Ability: Critical Stun Lvl. 2 Instantly stuns and paralyzes target. | 67 | 1 | 25 |
Special Ability: Critical Stun Lvl. 3 Instantly stuns and paralyzes target. | 70 | 1 | 25 |
Special Ability: Critical Stun Lvl. 4 Instantly stuns and paralyzes target. | 80 | 1 | 48 |