
Attacks the enemy with 1218 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 80 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

Skill Details

Trait: BLEED

OperateType: ACTIVE

MpCost: 75

CastRange: 40

HitRange: 400

Duration: 20

Cooldown: 3

CastTime: 1.08

Chance: 50.00

Property: CON

LimitOfTargets: NONE

SkillType: DEBUFF

AbnormalLvl: 8

LevelBonusRate: 1

AffectScope: SINGLE

TargetType: ENEMY


Power: 1218

CritRate: 0

IgnoreShield: NO

Classes with skill
DescriptionMagic LvlAbnormal LvlPowerCrit RateMP End
Sting Lvl. 1

Sting Lvl. 1

Attacks the enemy with 82 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 25 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

223820 % 21
Sting Lvl. 2

Sting Lvl. 2

Attacks the enemy with 88 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 25 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

233880 % 22
Sting Lvl. 3

Sting Lvl. 3

Attacks the enemy with 95 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 25 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

243950 % 23
Sting Lvl. 4

Sting Lvl. 4

Attacks the enemy with 110 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 25 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

2631100 % 25
Sting Lvl. 5

Sting Lvl. 5

Attacks the enemy with 118 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 25 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

2731180 % 26
Sting Lvl. 6

Sting Lvl. 6

Attacks the enemy with 127 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 25 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

2831270 % 27
Sting Lvl. 7

Sting Lvl. 7

Attacks the enemy with 146 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 35 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

3041460 % 28
Sting Lvl. 8

Sting Lvl. 8

Attacks the enemy with 157 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 35 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

3141570 % 28
Sting Lvl. 9

Sting Lvl. 9

Attacks the enemy with 168 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 35 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

3241680 % 29
Sting Lvl. 10

Sting Lvl. 10

Attacks the enemy with 191 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 35 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

3441910 % 32
Sting Lvl. 11

Sting Lvl. 11

Attacks the enemy with 204 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 35 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

3542040 % 33
Sting Lvl. 12

Sting Lvl. 12

Attacks the enemy with 217 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 35 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

3642170 % 34
Sting Lvl. 13

Sting Lvl. 13

Attacks the enemy with 246 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 35 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

3842460 % 36
Sting Lvl. 14

Sting Lvl. 14

Attacks the enemy with 262 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 35 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

3942620 % 37
Sting Lvl. 15

Sting Lvl. 15

Attacks the enemy with 278 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 45 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

4052780 % 38
Sting Lvl. 16

Sting Lvl. 16

Attacks the enemy with 295 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 45 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

4152950 % 38
Sting Lvl. 17

Sting Lvl. 17

Attacks the enemy with 313 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 45 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

4253130 % 40
Sting Lvl. 18

Sting Lvl. 18

Attacks the enemy with 331 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 45 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

4353310 % 41
Sting Lvl. 19

Sting Lvl. 19

Attacks the enemy with 350 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 45 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

4453500 % 42
Sting Lvl. 20

Sting Lvl. 20

Attacks the enemy with 370 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 45 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

4553700 % 43
Sting Lvl. 21

Sting Lvl. 21

Attacks the enemy with 391 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 45 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

4653910 % 44
Sting Lvl. 22

Sting Lvl. 22

Attacks the enemy with 412 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 45 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

4754120 % 46
Sting Lvl. 23

Sting Lvl. 23

Attacks the enemy with 434 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 45 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

4854340 % 47
Sting Lvl. 24

Sting Lvl. 24

Attacks the enemy with 457 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 45 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

4954570 % 48
Sting Lvl. 25

Sting Lvl. 25

Attacks the enemy with 481 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 55 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

5064810 % 50
Sting Lvl. 26

Sting Lvl. 26

Attacks the enemy with 506 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 55 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

5165060 % 50
Sting Lvl. 27

Sting Lvl. 27

Attacks the enemy with 531 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 55 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

5265310 % 51
Sting Lvl. 28

Sting Lvl. 28

Attacks the enemy with 557 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 55 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

5365570 % 52
Sting Lvl. 29

Sting Lvl. 29

Attacks the enemy with 584 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 55 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

5465840 % 53
Sting Lvl. 30

Sting Lvl. 30

Attacks the enemy with 611 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 55 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

5566110 % 55
Sting Lvl. 31

Sting Lvl. 31

Attacks the enemy with 639 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 55 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

5666390 % 56
Sting Lvl. 32

Sting Lvl. 32

Attacks the enemy with 668 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 55 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

5766680 % 57
Sting Lvl. 33

Sting Lvl. 33

Attacks the enemy with 697 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 55 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

5866970 % 58
Sting Lvl. 34

Sting Lvl. 34

Attacks the enemy with 727 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 55 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

5967270 % 60
Sting Lvl. 35

Sting Lvl. 35

Attacks the enemy with 758 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 65 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

6077580 % 61
Sting Lvl. 36

Sting Lvl. 36

Attacks the enemy with 789 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 65 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

6177890 % 61
Sting Lvl. 37

Sting Lvl. 37

Attacks the enemy with 820 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 65 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

6278200 % 62
Sting Lvl. 38

Sting Lvl. 38

Attacks the enemy with 852 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 65 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

6378520 % 63
Sting Lvl. 39

Sting Lvl. 39

Attacks the enemy with 885 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 65 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

6478850 % 65
Sting Lvl. 40

Sting Lvl. 40

Attacks the enemy with 917 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 65 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

6579170 % 66
Sting Lvl. 41

Sting Lvl. 41

Attacks the enemy with 950 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 65 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

6679500 % 67
Sting Lvl. 42

Sting Lvl. 42

Attacks the enemy with 984 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 65 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

6779840 % 68
Sting Lvl. 43

Sting Lvl. 43

Attacks the enemy with 1017 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 65 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

68710170 % 69
Sting Lvl. 44

Sting Lvl. 44

Attacks the enemy with 1051 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 65 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

69710510 % 70
Sting Lvl. 45

Sting Lvl. 45

Attacks the enemy with 1084 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 80 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

70810840 % 71
Sting Lvl. 46

Sting Lvl. 46

Attacks the enemy with 1118 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 80 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

71811180 % 72
Sting Lvl. 47

Sting Lvl. 47

Attacks the enemy with 1151 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 80 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

72811510 % 73
Sting Lvl. 48

Sting Lvl. 48

Attacks the enemy with 1185 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 80 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

73811850 % 74
Sting Lvl. 49

Sting Lvl. 49

Attacks the enemy with 1218 Power added to P. Atk., decreases the enemy's Speed by 20% and inflicts Bleed causing loss of 80 HP per second for 20 seconds. Requires a sword, dagger, dualsword, or dual-dagger. Over-hit is possible.

74812180 % 75