Warrior Bane

Removes buffs that increase Atk. Spd. and Speed from the enemy and prevents receiving Atk. Spd or Speed increasing buffs for 10 seconds.

Skill Details

Trait: NONE

OperateType: ACTIVE

MpCost: 70

CastRange: 600

HitRange: 1100

Cooldown: 3

CastTime: 4.00

LimitOfTargets: NONE

AffectScope: SINGLE

TargetType: ENEMY_ONLY

Classes with skill
DescriptionMagic Lvl
Warrior Bane Lvl. 1

Warrior Bane Lvl. 1

Removes buffs that increase Atk. Spd. and Speed from the enemy and prevents receiving Atk. Spd or Speed increasing buffs for 10 seconds.