Defeating Dragonkin Remnants

Officer Edric, who was a devoted soldier, has been in charge of managing Dragonkin remnants since he stepped aside from battle fields. Since he's tired of this dull duty, he has come up with a new suggestion to make things more entertaining. That is to have a war with Dragonkin remnants...

Question Mark

Question Mark

Quest Details

MinLvl: 75


Start NPC: Edric
World Map
Defeat the remnants.

Officer Edric, the Remnant Manager of the Seed of Destruction, has a challenge to eliminate remaining Dragonkin remnants. You and your team will enter the Seed of Destruction where Officer Edric will block the entrance. The challenge is for your team to eliminate all the Dragonkin and escape through the blocked passage within a small amount of time.Monsters to be hunted - Defeated Troops Commander, Defeated Troops No 1 Battalion Commander, Defeated Troops White Dragon Leader, Defeated Troops Infantry, Defeated Troops Magic Leader, Defeated Troops Magician, Defeated Troops Magic Soldier, Defeated Troops Healer, and Defeated Troops Javelin Thrower