How to Oppose Evil

Dilios, the Aide of Keucereus at the Keucereus Alliance Base, has information on how to take care of an emerging threat to Gracia…

Flexible Reward

Flexible Reward

Quest Details

MinLvl: 75


Start NPC: Dilios
World Map
Proof of Power

Dilios, the Aide of Keucereus of the Keucereus Alliance Base, has an important task. This task can only be assigned to those who have learned to fly an Aurabird from Engineer Lekon. We should go see Engineer Lekon and acquire a certificate that proves we have learned how to fly a Aurabird.

Needed items:

Lekon's Certificate - 1

Lekon's Certificate - 1

World Map
Meet Kirklan

Dilios of the Keucereus Alliance Base has suggested that you should go see Kirklan, the Special Products Broker, inside the base if you want more information on a weakness to oppose this evil power. We should go see him to obtain this information.

World Map
How does one oppose it?

Kirklan, the Special Products Broker at the Keucereus Alliance Base has indicated that specific materials will need to be gathered in order to receive the items necessary in order to assault the evil threat. We can gather these items from hunting monsters from the Seed of Infinity and Seed of Destruction and then bring them back to Kirklan. Monsters to be hunted - Seed of Infinity: All monsters appeared in the Seed of Infinity Seed of Destruction: All monsters appeared in the Seed of Destruction Targets to gather - Seed Energy - Fire, Seed Energy - Water, Seed Energy - Wind - Earth, Seed Energy - Divinity, and Seed Energy - Darkness

Needed items:

Freed Soul Fragment - 0

Freed Soul Fragment - 0

Dragonkin Charm Fragment - 0

Dragonkin Charm Fragment - 0

Spirit Stone Dust - 0

Spirit Stone Dust - 0