1 Rafforty's Request
Rafforty asks you to find a Silver Ice Crystal. They are guarded by creatures in the Frozen Labyrinth. Monsters to be hunted - Massive Maze Bandersnatch, Lost Watcher, Elder Lost Watcher, Panthera, Lost Gargoyle, Lost Gargoyle Youngling, Pronghorn, Pronghorn Spirit, Ice Tarantula, Frost Tarantula, Frost Iron Golem, Frost Buffalo, Lost Buffalo, Ursus, Lost Yeti, Frost Yeti
Needed items:
Silver Ice Crystal - 0
2 Save the Silver Hemocytes
Rafforty thanks you and tells you to save any Silver Hemocytes you may acquire for future needs. He also says that if you return with a Black Ice Crystal, he will give you a reward as a small token of appreciation for all your help. You can make a Black Ice Crystal from the Ice Shelf. Monsters to be hunted - Massive Maze Bandersnatch, Lost Watcher, Elder Lost Watcher, Panthera, Lost Gargoyle, Lost Gargoyle Youngling, Pronghorn, Pronghorn Spirit, Ice Tarantula, Frost Tarantula, Frost Iron Golem, Frost Buffalo, Lost Buffalo, Ursus, Lost Yeti, Frost Yeti
Needed items:
Silver Ice Crystal - 0
Black Ice Crystal - 0
Silver Hemocyte - 0