Perform the Will of the Ancient Book that was found in the Monastery of Silence.



Quest Details
MinLvl: 82
1 The Will of the Ancient Book
When opening the door of the safebox, you found an old book. Check the content of the book first, and follow its will. A certain Librarian might know what to do...

2 Owner of the book
Deliver this Ancient Book to the Cardinal Seresin.

3 Owner of the book
Deliver this Ancient Book to the Merchant Holly of Aden Village.

4 Owner of the book
Deliver this Ancient Book to the Gatekeeper Flauen of the Heine.

5 Owner of the book
Deliver this Ancient Book to the Priest Dominic of Rune Village.

6 Owner of the book
Deliver this Ancient Book to the Priest Chichirin.

7 Owner of the book
Deliver this Ancient Book to the Grand Master Tobias of Gludio Village.

8 Owner of the book
Deliver this Ancient Book to the Blacksmith of Schuttgart Village.

9 Owner of the book
Deliver this Ancient Book to the Saint of Light Agnes of Goddard Village.