Make Formal Wear

You visited Alexis to have some formal wear made, but learned that her maid, Leikar, makes it better than she does. Go and see Leikar.

Formal Wear - 1

Formal Wear - 1

Quest Details

MinLvl: 60


Start NPC: Alexis
World Map
Finding Leikar

Trader Alexis says Leikar makes great formal wear and tells you to visit her.

World Map
Leikar's Request

Leikar asks you to run errands for her while she's making the formal wear. Visit Jeremy and get some cookies.

World Map
Jeremy's Errands

Jeremy asks you to deliver wine to Mist while he's baking cookies.

World Map
Return to Jeremy

You've delivered the wine to Mist. Return to Jeremy and get the cookies.

World Map
Leikar's Errands

Jeremy made you the cookies that Leikar asked for. Carefully deliver them.

World Map
Leikar's Request

Leikar says she ordered the materials for the formal wear, but they've not yet been delivered and she asks you to check on them. Ask Blacksmith Ferris in the Town of Aden about the sewing kit, Radia in Giran Castle Town about the fabrics, Ellie in Giran Castle Town about the gems.

Needed items:

Mysterious Cloth - 1

Mysterious Cloth - 1

Jewel Box - 1

Jewel Box - 1

Sewing Kit - 1

Sewing Kit - 1

World Map
Making Shoes

Leikar asks you to go to Trader Woodley in the Town of Aden and have the dress shoes made while she's making the formal wear.

World Map