Wrath of Verdure

Treant Bremec, a spirit of the forest, is being tormented by wicked little goblins who recently invaded and began logging his forest. He asks for help in restoring peace to his beloved woods.



Quest Details

MinLvl: 4

MaxLvl: 9

Requirement: ELF

Start NPC: Treant Bremec
World Map
Goblin Hunting

The olen treants guarding the Elven Forest seek revenge on the goblins that damaged the forest. So far the sly goblins have managed to escape punishment. Treant Bremec asks for your help. Defeat the goblins and return the clubs that they stole to Treant Bremec and you shall be rewarded. Hunt the goblin raider.

Needed items:

Goblin Club - 0

Goblin Club - 0

World Map