Shilen's Hunt

The Mass of Darkness in honor of Shilen is about to begin. Prepare for the Hunt of Glory! Take your bows and arrows and find offerings for the Mother of Abyss!

Exp - 1,000

Exp - 1,000

Lesser Healing Potion - 5

Lesser Healing Potion - 5

Quest Details

MinLvl: 3

MaxLvl: 7

Requirement: DARK ELF

Start NPC: Nelsya
World Map
Shilen's Hunt

Shilen's Hunt will soon be held in the Dark Elf Village. Wild game will be hunted and offered as an sacrifice. The hunter who obtains 13 dark bezoars will receive a reward given by the Abyssal Celebrants. Hunt keltirs and wolves, obtain 13 dark bezoars and take them to Sentry Nelsya. Hunt young brown keltirs, brown keltirs, ashen wolves and elder brown keltirs.

Needed items:

Dark Bezoar - 13

Dark Bezoar - 13

World Map
Best Hunter Award

You've collected all 13 dark bezoars. Take them to Sentry Nelsya immediately and claim your prize and the honor of being this year's best hunter.

World Map