1 Secret Hideout of Jinia Guild
Rafforty of Jinia Guild says that Jinia wants to speak to you at the secret hideout of her Guild. Ask Rafforty to take you there.
2 Secret Meeting with Jinia
You've entered the secret hideout of Jinia Guild. Have a talk with Jinia.
3 For the Divine Sword
Jinia told you the story of the Guild and the Ice Queen. She has also asked for your help to acquire the Divine Sword since they cannot accomplish their goals without it. Go to the Mithril Mine in the Dwarven Village and ask Krun to lead you inside it.

4 Saving Kegor
Find Kegor who has found the Divine Sword in the Mithril Mine. He's become sick from the poisonous bite of the mine creatures. Feed him the antidote and save him.

5 For the Divine Sword
While attempting to save Kegor, there appeared strange monsters around. You must take care of them first.

6 Kegor Saved!
You've successfully saved Kegor. Try to talk to him again.