Mutated Kaneus - Dion

Wizards are starting to do research on Kanueses that have been mutated due to an evil energy of Kamaloka that exists between this world and hell...

Adena - 20,000

Adena - 20,000

Quest Details

MinLvl: 28


Start NPC: Lucas
World Map
Mutated Cellular Tissue

Bring Mutated Kaneus of Kamaloka and cellular tissues of Crimson Hatu Otis and Seer Flouros to Magister Mirien.Monsters to be hunted - Crimson Hatu Otis and Seer Flouros

Needed items:

Crimson Hatu Otis' Cellular Tissue - 1

Crimson Hatu Otis' Cellular Tissue - 1

Seer Flouros' Cellular Tissue - 1

Seer Flouros' Cellular Tissue - 1

World Map