Sword of Solidarity

The Sword of Solidarity has long symbolized the friendship between Elves and Humans. The disappearance of the sword has coincided with the deterioration of that friendship. Grand Master Roien is seeking a warrior to restore the sword to its place of honor.

Exp - 25,747

Exp - 25,747

SP - 2,171

SP - 2,171

Adena - 10,981

Adena - 10,981

Sword of Solidarity - 1

Sword of Solidarity - 1

Lesser Healing Potion - 100

Lesser Healing Potion - 100

Echo Crystal - Theme of Battle - 10

Echo Crystal - Theme of Battle - 10

Echo Crystal - Theme of Love - 10

Echo Crystal - Theme of Love - 10

Echo Crystal - Theme of Solitude - 10

Echo Crystal - Theme of Solitude - 10

Echo Crystal - Theme of the Feast - 10

Echo Crystal - Theme of the Feast - 10

Echo Crystal - Theme of Celebration - 10

Echo Crystal - Theme of Celebration - 10

Quest Details

MinLvl: 9

MaxLvl: 16

Requirement: HUMAN

Start NPC: Roien
World Map
Broken Sword

Grand Master Roien of Cedric's Training Hall wants to restore the sword of solidarity. He explains that the sword was made long ago to symbolize the friendship between Elves and Humans. He mentions that Blacksmith Altran is also very interested in restoring this relic. He asks you to take the letter containing the results of his investigation of the relic to Altran in the Blacksmith Shop.

World Map
Broken Sword Blade Piece

Blacksmith Altran explains that if he is to restore the Sword of Solidarity to its original condition, he must have the two pieces of the blade. He asks you to go the Elven Ruins and obtain the broken sword blade pieces from the Orcs there. Hunt Tunath Orc Warriors and Tunath Orc Marksmen.

Needed items:

Broken Blade Bottom - 1

Broken Blade Bottom - 1

Broken Blade Top - 1

Broken Blade Top - 1

World Map
Return to Blacksmith Altran

Take the broken sword blade pieces to Blacksmith Altran.

World Map
Last Parts

While Blacksmith Altran joins the sword blade pieces together, go to Cedric's Training Hall and obtain the broken sword handle from Grand Master Roien.

Needed items:

Broken Sword Handle - 1

Broken Sword Handle - 1

World Map
Sword of Solidarity

Take the broken sword handle to Blacksmith Altran so he can restore the sword of solidarity to its original condition.

World Map